IsaiX Technologies Inc.
Education & Training
Interactive learning using highlights
Silverlight-based back-end system
SCORM compliance
Offline content availability
Technology Stack
IsaiX is a true innovator in the training and development field. For more than three decades, this international firm has helped financial, high-tech, and pharmaceutical companies develop comprehensive training programs globally.
Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, IsaiX provides technology, guidance, and thought leadership that enables their clients’ training programs to thrive. And one piece of technology they wanted to create was a suite of tools called Burst—an application that would work on both mobile and desktop devices. Burst Tools would allow trainers and employees to access, highlight, annotate, and organize training documents.
This cross-platform application (i.e., one that works on both desktop and mobile devices) would give users access to a range of document types, such as white papers, policy guidelines, and training manuals, in a variety of formats.
In the world of Learning Management Systems (LMSs), there is a set of standards called the Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM). Essentially, these standards certify that education technology “plays nicely” with other systems and platforms. Ultimately, it allows for hassle-free integration across educational platforms.
IsaiX not only needed a powerful application with an attractive, intuitive interface—they needed a SCORM compliant one. And that was one of Net Solution’s chief selling points. They had extensive experience working on tools and software in the training and development domain, along with specific experience in SCORM compliance. These factors, along with their extensive development experience, made them the perfect fit for the job..
Net Solutions really goes the extra mile to make every last detail the way you want it. In short, great people, top-notch quality, highly recommended.
At the time, the only available cross-platform programming language available was HTML5, and neither Net Solutions nor IsaiX knew whether it was possible to build the platform they wanted in HTML5.
To answer that question, Net Solutions’ engineers and designers worked with IsaiX to build a simple, straightforward Proof of Concept (PoC), demonstrating that the existing tech stack was indeed suitable for the task.
We chose Net Solutions because of their feet-on-the-ground, close-to-home, local people who understand our culture. Also, the product they put out of the proof of concept was the best by far. Their communication was excellent; their methodologies and processes for getting these projects done were the best. It was really just a no-brainer for us.
Once Net solutions received the green light, they began work—ultimately delivering a tool with all the features that IsaiX envisioned. Burst included the following cutting-edge features.
User-specific Access Permissions: Users could sign in to see all the documents related to their courses—and only those documents.
Direct Viewing from the App: Users could view documents directly from the app, with important sections highlighted.
Trainer Annotation: Trainers could make notes on the documents, and users could view any notes related to the highlighted sections.
Zooming in on Imagery: Users could zoom in to get a high-resolution view of any images, along with additional information on each image (should the course designer or trainer choose to include it).
User Annotation: The users could add notes to any part of the document, creating personal highlights and notes.
Testing: Within the app, trainers and course designers could set up tests at the end of any course, and users could take these tests to verify what they learned.
Off-line Viewing: While Net Solutions primarily designed the app for online use, the users also had the option to save a given chapter for offline viewing. The course would then be pre-load onto the viewer’s mobile device. In all other respects, the user had the same experience reading a chapter off-line as they did when they worked online.
Full SCORM Compliance: Net Solutions ensured that Burst tools were fully SCORM compliant. So their educational software worked seamlessly with other Learning Management Systems (LMS).
Powerful Back-end Interface: Net Solutions built the back-end, administrative interface with Microsoft Silverlight. This interface empowered administrators to upload new courses, create highlights, add digitized images, create quizzes, and more. It also allowed them to review usage stats and other important information.
The vast majority of IsaiX clients loved the new tool, and it gained widespread adoption throughout IsaiX’s customer base. They received numerous positive reviews, and the successful engagement led to a fruitful relationship that continues to this day.
For more than a decade, Net Solutions has remained IsaiX’s go-to development partner, helping them build and maintain numerous products that their customers love.
They live and breathe by our outputs, just like we do. I never thought that a partner company would be able to do that, but they’ve really become partners to us. They’re not vendors, they’re partners.
11601 Wilshire Blvd
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Los Angeles, CA 90025
+1 (305) 767-3821
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8th Floor, New York City,
New York, 10013
+1 (305) 767-3821
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East South Building
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ON M5C 1S2 Canada
+1 (416) 720-1790
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9 Appold Street
London, EC2A 2AP
+44 (20) 3807-3803
Site no. 15, Rajiv Gandhi
Chandigarh Technology Park,
Chandigarh 160101
+91 172 4315000
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