Is there something you can do to provide users 365x24x7 access, interactivity, and support? Let’s take a look.
The Progress Hot Potato ?
Cloud Migration comes with a host of benefits, but not all cloud offerings are the same.
With various cloud services available in the market, which one should you choose? And how do you find the provider that fits your needs?
Our 21-point Cloud Service Provider due diligence checklist helps you make an informed decision
Which Cloud Service Provider is Right for me?
The Insights Takeaway ?
My sister loves writing.
From class notes, book summaries, birthday notes, mood tracking, to journal entries. She jots everything down.
Inspiration, fresh perspectives, and thought-provoking ideas can tickle the imagination anytime, so she always keeps the notes app front and center.
But something tragic happened last week.
Her phone crashed — and wouldn’t restart. We talked to customer support, and they mentioned it is likely a motherboard issue and that needs replacement. The caveat: Everything stored locally on her device — photos, downloaded files, and her precious notes, would be wiped away.
The way she wept!
Arguably, understandable.
We logged into her account, to find out how much data was backed-up and recoverable.
Her journal entries were being backed up, but her class notes and mood tracking entries? Poof, gone!
Imagine starting from scratch. And albeit difficult, reconstructing her lost notes would be a manageable task.
But imagine the loss if this data disaster happened to a business? What if a fire wiped out your on-premise data? Or a hardware failure impacted your business continuity?
And that, right there, is the case for Cloud Migration.
Migrating to the cloud has several business benefits, such as anytime, anywhere access, reduced costs, increased business agility, data security and disaster recovery, and efficient scalability.
However, what are some cloud migration strategies? What are the steps involved? And what challenges can you expect in your cloud migration journey? Our insightful blog covers what a cloud migration is and shares a helpful checklist of things to keep in mind when migrating to cloud.
Am I doing Cloud Migration right?
Thought Leadership Boba ?
The user-to-business interaction can be summed up in two words: forever continuous. Users want 365x24x7, multi-device, multi-location access, interactivity, and support. Brick-and-mortar cannot do that — but Cloud does that.