Happy 20th Birthday to and from Net Solutions

The following is the internal email sent by Sameer to Net Solutions’ global workforce:
As we celebrate our 20th foundation day, I want to thank every employee of Net Solutions for being an integral part of Net Solutions and doing everything possible to continue to deliver excellence to each other and all our clients.

Our clients lean on Net Solutions in their moments of crises (rescue projects, pandemics, global recessions, etc.).

I am proud to be able to bank upon each member of Net Solutions to have the courage to deal with their personal challenges, overcome them and act from a position of strength to help our clients then.

Thank you.

It’s emotionally taxing to reflect on the two-decade journey, and it’s easy to fade out events from memory and only focus on the outliers.

Every moment that has gotten us here is essential.

All happenings – good, bad, and ugly – have given us the strength to forge a path forward.

I started Net Solutions with a singular vision of establishing a design-driven-and-led brand that generates memorable experiences for our clients, vendors, partners, and staff. That vision continues to be the guiding beacon.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the Covid-19 crisis

Covid-19 is not the first pandemic that we have seen over the past years. SARS and MERS disrupted the global supply chain and travel similar to Covid-19; however, Covid-19 has had more significant implications and impacts.

It should suffice to say that we’re witnessing one of the first non-war, non-civil-unrest curfews, if not the first.

The silver lining is that all of us are unlearning and learning newer ways of doing things.

  • Spending quality time with our families and loved ones
  • Thinking about the aged ones and the infirm
  • Watching dolphins return to otherwise dirty waters
  • Hearing more birds chirp
  • Smiling at non-returning Indians returning home
  • Seeing India’s status elevated in International circles through the actions of our
  • Government by bringing our citizens back in special flights while closing the borders to everyone else
  • Exercising on rooftops
  • Eating food at home, cook at home
  • and so much more

Who knows? This crisis may end up as a blessing in disguise. (no disrespect toward the families whose loved ones are sick or at-risk)

Starting the journey from a small setup of few people to watching it flourish into ~300 people across the globe, I am proud and happy for every one of us.

I thank you again for your loyalty and everything that you do for each other and our clients. You are Net Solutions.


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